Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to Choose Suitable Food For Cats

In last post, I told that my colleague and I start to feed the wild cat in our working place, Ayer Rajah Crescent. My friend take one bag of Science Diet dry cat food from her home. It is the food she feed her cat. However, is it the best cat food for her cat or the wild cat? We don't know. So far, we know all these three cats like it.

For my Cat, Catman, I read lots of reviews about cat food before I choose food for them. For example, Eagle Pack cat food, those who have puppies and who want to start using this brand should direct their attention towards the Eagle Pack Dry Puppy Food Reviews which are available on the internet. By reading these reviews which are mostly written by people who have used the food for their cats, people find out the fact that the food is perfect for a cat that is in a growing process, as it helps the cat develop a nice and healthy body.

Those who are interested in the senior cat food can read a few Eagle Pack Dry Senior Food Reviews which are also available on the internet. They will find out that the food has helped the cats prevent the health problems that appear with the age, which is absolutely fantastic.

Last but not least, those who are more interested in the canned food than in the dry food have a few Eagle Pack Canned Cat Food Reviews at their disposal. It seems that cats are very happy when they receive this food, as the taste is excellent and the texture is amazing!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Save Our Cats in Ayer Rajah Crescent

There are three wild cats living in the Ayer Rajah Crescent. After the biggest food count is closed after August 10 2012, three wild cats lost their food source. Since Ayer Rajah Crescent is an IT industry area, there is no residents living in this area and it is very hard for the wild cats to find food.

It's time to save these wild cats. My colleagues and I plan to feed these cats in the later days. We bought Scient Diet Cat Food for these three poor cats, it cost us around S$15 each package. We need your support. Please help us to save these cats.

Donate For Ayer Rajah Crescent Wild Cats

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Friday, August 10, 2012

My Super Cat and His Hiding Box

My cat’s name is Catman. I hope one day he can grow to be a super cat, like batman or Spiderman. However, it seems he doesn’t have any sense to fight for justice. Two days ago, I bought a LED TV and the box is turned to be his best toy. He likes hiding now and he does it on a regular basis. I even cannot make decision if I need to keep the box at home forever. If I throw it away, my super cat may get boring again.

I really don’t know why my super cat, Catman, likes hiding and keeps doing it again and again. But it seems he enjoys himself and he is very happy now. From my friend option, there is nothing bad in the fact that cats play with the boxes and hiding. They do it mainly because they want to play and this is the way in which they receive attention from us. Wild cats hide when they prepare to hunt; they stay hidden in the grass or behind a tree or a hill until they find the right moment to attack the pray. Domestic cats do it just for fun, using their instincts. They won’t attack us; they will only jump in order to have some fun.

Cats hide and jump to “attack” you is completely natural. This is what they do in their natural environment, so this is also what they will do in our courtyard or in the apartment. If you have two cats and one of them is older than the other, you will surely observe the fact that the young kitten will jump on the other kitten and start the play.

As the new owner of a cat, you should not get worried about the fact that your cat likes hiding. My cat likes hiding too and there is nothing I can do about it. Sometimes, my cat likes running towards me in a very high speed, beating me with his soft paw, and escaping away. Then he will hide in the box and wait for my to find him. As long as the cat doesn’t attack and bite you, you should not try to do anything in order to change this behavior. It is perfectly normal!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Keep My Catman Away From Over Weight

Last time, I mentioned that my cat, Catman, got up at 5:00 in the morning waiting for his breakfast. It is not because he was hungry. All reason is that I had to get up that early. Therefore, there is something coming in my mind. My Catman’s behavior makes me realized that cats don’t have a fix diet time. They have diet only in following two conditions:
  1. Someone offers food to them 
    This is some other friends’ option. Some friends told me that cats will eat all the time if we keep offering food to them and they love that food. It makes sense because even some of us keeps eat the whole day.
  2. They feel hungry
  3. Some scenes make them realized it is time to eat

I am sure you have seen photographs on the internet and all sorts of news on the TV talking about cats that are too fat for their age. Since cats are sensible, the extra pounds can provoke numerous health problems, so it is recommended to do everything that stands in your power in order to avoid your cat from becoming too fat.

The breakfast must be fed on time. It will affect your cat the whole day. You should wake up at least for a few minutes in order to feed your cat and then you can go back to sleep. If you are not at home, ask a friend or a neighbor to feed your cat at a specific time, the same hour that you usually feed your pet. This is going to help you maintain your cat’s weight, which is absolutely fantastic!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Let Your Cat Have Breakfast on Time

I usually get up at 8.00 am every day. After I get up, my cat, Catman, will stand beside his food plant and wait for his breakfast. If I get up a little bit late, he will start to scream on me and he always do it when he is hungry. Sometimes, I just feel this guy have a fixed breakfast time and I need to feed him on time. But the following picture make me realized that I was wrong.

I took this photo at 5:00 am last week. I had to get up very early because my job. While I am not the only victim. My poor cat, Catman, also became one victim because of my busy work. After I got up, catman got up immediately and stood beside his food plant as usual. It is damn funny! This guy was waiting for his food even he was not awake at all. It seems that he doesn't have fixed breakfast time. He just simply follows my bio clock. I just realize that whether it will be harmful for his health because of my irregular life style.

Friday, July 20, 2012

How Long Does My Cat Sleep Every Day

You will surely love my cat when you see him asleep. He would look so cute as he curled up on top of our piano, on our couch and even on my bed. Sleeping seems to be the most favorite thing that Catman wants to do.

Prolonged sleeping can be an unusual symptom for human but this is just normal when it comes to cats. In fact, they normally sleep from 13-16 hours per day. This simply means that they spend almost 2/3 of their lives asleep. If you are fond of having cats as your pet like I do, then you need to remember that they need to sleep twice as you do. And I really find it amazing that just like humans; Catman experiences Rapid Eye Movements and non-Rapid Eye Movements when he sleeps. I wonder if just like us, his rapid eye movement signifies that he is dreaming. I noticed Catman’s whisker twitch whenever in this state of sleep. I have learned from the experts that that their bodies repair and grow when they experience non- Rapid Eye Movement as well.

However, I am also mindful on how long Catman sleeps per day. I have learned that lesser sleep than normal also indicates bodily disorder. This may mean that the cat has a thyroid problem and needs medical intervention. But I am very familiar with Catman. And I know if he feels good or not. He wakes during dusk or dawn in search for his prey. But because he cannot see clearly in the dark, he goes back to sleep every time he do so. Sometimes, I intentionally put down my bedrooms curtain so he won’t wake up very early. Otherwise, he will wake me up too early as well.

And yes, Catman sleeps around 13-16 hours per day. And this includes his daily cat naps when he would usually wake up whenever he senses any movement or sound. And this only shows the predatory part of his nature.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Let Your Cat Enjoy Your Petting

Experts may say that cats have solitary nature. But surprisingly, my Catman shows the opposite behavior. He loves to be on my side all the time. He pushes against me, bumps his head to mine and just stays around whenever I’m at home. I have often thought that this is his way of showing his affection. However, I have learned that this kind of behavior is the cat’s way of leaving its scented signature to its friend. In this way, cats show off to everyone that they are the most favorite.

Cats communicate through their body gestures too. In fact they also try to pick up your message on how you treat them. Hence, this is the reason why they hiss to a stranger but purrs at you. This simply means they just love you more because you have treated them the same way.

The best way that I show my affection to Catman is by playing with him every time I have the chance to do so. I believe that play is something that cats never outgrows. They may not be as playful when they were still kitten but they just love to hang out and have fun with those people that they trust most. And just like my own son, I buy treats for Catman as well. I reward him whenever he behaves the way I want him to. I find this very effective especially when I trim his claws. I guess I have spoiled him a lot that I have been buying him cat scratching posts and cat toys as well. I just believe that they love to receive surprises. After all, they are known to hunt anything so they can share it with those that they care.

As I let Catman enjoy my petting, I came to realize that I was reciprocated with the best reward. Through him, I have found a loyal friend who keeps me happy all through these months.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

How to Trimming Cat Claws Perfectly

Many people love cats just like I love my Catman. If you are one of them, you need to know that having a cat as your pet comes with great responsibility as well. You need to do more than just feeding. One of the most daunting parts when taking care of cats is trimming their claws. Just like humans, they also need proper grooming.  However, cutting their claws may take you forever if you don’t have the skill to do it.


Initial Step

Having the right position will also make you and your cat feel comfortable during the process. You may opt to put your cat on the floor, on the table or over your lap.

How to Trim Claws

Unlike humans, cats hide their claws under their paws. Hence, you need to push this part to reveal them and assess if they need to be cut or trimmed. Check for the pink portion which is termed as the “quick”. If you happen to cut through them, it would cause them to bleed and this can be very painful to your cat as well. You need to hold the finger nail clipper parallel to the cat’s claws. If you have assumed the best position, you may cut through it very quickly.

Things You Need to Remember

You need to know that you must not rush into cutting all your cat’s claws all at once. Though the ideal is cutting them every fourteen days, some actually trim their cat’s nails only four times a year. In fact you can cut only 1-2 claws per day. Some would not even bother cutting them since their cats chew their tips regularly. If you are too afraid to trim your cat’s claws, then you may contact a veterinarian who will do it for you.


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Training Your Cat to Use Scratching Post

The most horrible thing that may happen when you own a cat is worrying about it destroying your favorite furniture or carpets because of its scratches. No matter how you stop a cat from doing it, they will always do it because they are born to be that way. Animal behaviorists claim that this is their way of communicating, contrary to what we believe that this is only done to sharpen their claw. Cat’s scratch things because they want to tell people and cats where they are and what they are up to. Studies also show that their paws come with scent glands. Hence, every time they scratch, they are leaving scent marks as well.

How to Choose the Best Scratching Post

The best way to determine what type of scratching post to choose is by observing your cat. If your pet loves to scratch on your furniture then this means you need to choose a stable and vertical scratching post. This would resemble your furniture which will allow your pet to do vertical scratching. You can put this beside the fixtures that your cat loves to scratch. 

How to Lure Your Cat into Scratching the Post

The greatest challenge that you will have is on how to divert your cat’s attention to your scratch post. Though some cats are smart enough and will get the idea that this is a scratching post, it may take several days for other cats to have a clue what this fixture is all about. You may place some toys and treats on the post so this will attract your cat’s attention. As one tries to reach for the treat or the toy, it may accidentally stick its claws on the scratching post, discovering how it feels to do this task. If your cat loves to scratch the carpet’s surface, you may use a horizontal scratch board instead. Cats also love to scratch after they sleep. Hence creating a place on the scratching post where one can play and sleep at the same time will make it more attractive for cats to use.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Whiskers Makes My Cat Like A Leader

My cat, Catman, has wonderful Whiskers, which makes him like a sophisticated leader. This picture is token when he is staring out of the windows. He seems to be having a significant thinking now. When I was young, I heard from someone that the cat's whiskers are as wide as his body's widest spot, so that cat can use his Whiskers to measure the space to find out if he can go through. I don't know if it is true. But I am pretty sure that this rule can not be used for overweight cats.

Whisker actually is one type of hair, called tactile hair. The tactile hair also includes eyebrows and chin hair. The main function of tactile hair is serving the sense of touch. The whiskers are long and thick. They root in deep cat's tissue, connected with the nerve endings. Therefore, cat can use them to investigate the objects close to them. They can even be used to get the state of air currents and air pressure.

My cat Catman's whiskers are very long. And sometimes he fan them out, and sometimes he rotates them forward and them sweeps them back. Before I thought he did it because he was very very boring. And now I know he does that because he is trying to measure something, maybe some small air currents changes. And his whiskers are sensitive enough to feel any micro changes of which I will never get the sense.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Damp Footprints on My Wooden Floor

These days I notice that my Catman always leave his damp footprints on my wooden floor. At the beginning, I thought he might make his foot wet in the bathroom and he likes print his footprint on the floor. But later I found out I was wrong. Sometimes, his foot is wet even he just stay in my living room. I am surprised why his foot always get wet and if it is a sign which tells me he is sick.

After talking with my friend, I find out the reason of this damp footprints. Actually when Catman's foot is wet, it means he is hot. When we feel hot, we will sweat and it makes us wet on the surface of the skin. And it will evaporate and help us reduce the heat from our body. The same as my Catman (actually the same as all the cats :P ), when he feels hot, he will sweat and it makes his foot wet and he will remain his damp footprints on the wooden floor when he is walking. According to some researches, cat secretes sweat when he feels hot, frightened,or excited.

Cat only secretes sweat on his foot pad. It is true.In the cat, eccrine sweat glands are found only on the foot pads. So we can find that cat paw always keeps wet. But sweating is not the only way for cats to reduce heat. Like my Catman, he always lays on the floor and lets his body fully touch the floor to cool himself.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Is My Cat Catman Sick?

My cat mate, Catman, have been living in my home for one and a half month. I gave him the same food as which his former host gave, and I also play with him all the time. He is supposed to be happy but sometimes it doesn't look very well. I don't know if he start to miss his old host. And I am very afraid that he may get sick. So I start to read some books about cat care.

Cats are susceptible to a number of different basic diseases. There are a number of different diseases that cats can suffer from, such as skin diseases, ear diseases, nose diseases, mouth diseases, even mental diseases. Take care of a cat is not only just feeding him well, but we also need to pay attention on his living conditions. For example, regularly brushing your will keep them clean, and reduce the hair which he will licked off and swallow. And this is the most efficient way to avoid the hairball problems for you cat, and it is also the best solution to keep your house clean without shed cat hair.

No matter how much I know, I still can not find the reason why my cat looks like very unhappy sometimes. And I feel very much ashamed because I promised my friend I would take care of him well at that time. To find out the treatment, I have to ask for some advice from my vet friend. To my surprised, the reason why my cat, Catman, looks like that is just because he is tired and he wants to have a sleep. -_-!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Control Cat Hairballs and Cat Fleas

I have to say I become much busier after Catman came to my house. The most tough job is cleaning the house. I have to clean his hair all the place in my house. But there is one thing I worry about after I notice that Catman always has ongoing vomiting. After I make a research on cat diseases symptoms, I just find out it may because of the cat hairballs.

The reason that Catman vomit hairballs is that he swallowed a lot of fur when he tried to groom by himself. So I think general cat care and grooming maintenance are another important aspect of cat care. Avoiding hair and skin problems in cats often comes down to a proper diet and active lifestyle. Hairballs are normal in cats occasionally, but if they persist and cats struggle to pass them, veterinary care should be sought. They can be prevented in the first place if owners regularly groom their cat and remove loose hair, and some over the counter products can be used to help cats pass hairballs.

In Addition, Another daily care for cats is trimming cat nails.Cat nails should only be trimmed if the cat is exclusively an indoor cat, as they are useful for survival and protection in the wilderness. Cats can get fleas, and they can be dangerous to the cat’s health and well-being. There are treatments which will kill the infestation. Environments should also be cleaned to ensure re-infestation doesn’t occur.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

How to Choose a Cat Food For My Catman

Taking care of a cat involves a lot of work and specific kinds of knowledge. As Catman becomes my friend, I have to start to learn about cat food. I know that buying random food and barely paying attention to the cats needs won’t cut it. There are a few different things I need to know to properly care for my cat.

All cats have dietary and nutritional needs that have to be met, and often these needs start with the type of cat food a cat requires. Cat owners should acquire the right cat food knowledge for their animal, and that starts with understanding what kinds of nutrients cats need to have in their diet. Since cats are carnivores (meat eaters), unlike humans or dogs which are omnivores (meat and vegetable eaters), their diets require high amount of proteins and animal fats. Cat foods need to meet these needs by offering proteins, fatty acids, and all the right amino acids. Owners should focus on which nutrients a cat food promises, not which ingredients. General consensus is that wet food is better than dry food for cats. It contains more meats and a higher concentration of water, each of which is key for a cat’s diet. Cats should ideally be fed twice a day and the amount that cats are fed varies greatly depending on an individual animal’s needs and size.

When Catman was sent to me, my friend gave me his daily dry cat food as well. To be honest, I still don't know the cat food very much. The cat food my friend gave me is ANF FELINE ADULT HOLISTIC FORMULA dry cat food, and I also don't know how much I need to put in his plate.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Catman, Welcome to Your New Home

Today, I introduce my new mate, Catman. He is a four years old cat. My friend sent him to me one month ago. As my friend saying, he is an active cat. But the first day, he came to my home, he was very nervous because of the strange place and people. And I was also very worry about him because he could just hide under my closet for the whole day. So I have to put the food and water near him so that he could get them when he was hungry.

My friend also gave me his favorite food, one dry cat food, and a couple of canned cat food, and a cat litter box. So I just put everything he was familiar with around his temporary base in order to make him to feel a little bit comfortable.

I think he is quite brave. Because after three days, he already get rid of all scares. And now, he feel free in his new house. And he also find his new relaxing spot.