Monday, July 2, 2012

Let Your Cat Enjoy Your Petting

Experts may say that cats have solitary nature. But surprisingly, my Catman shows the opposite behavior. He loves to be on my side all the time. He pushes against me, bumps his head to mine and just stays around whenever I’m at home. I have often thought that this is his way of showing his affection. However, I have learned that this kind of behavior is the cat’s way of leaving its scented signature to its friend. In this way, cats show off to everyone that they are the most favorite.

Cats communicate through their body gestures too. In fact they also try to pick up your message on how you treat them. Hence, this is the reason why they hiss to a stranger but purrs at you. This simply means they just love you more because you have treated them the same way.

The best way that I show my affection to Catman is by playing with him every time I have the chance to do so. I believe that play is something that cats never outgrows. They may not be as playful when they were still kitten but they just love to hang out and have fun with those people that they trust most. And just like my own son, I buy treats for Catman as well. I reward him whenever he behaves the way I want him to. I find this very effective especially when I trim his claws. I guess I have spoiled him a lot that I have been buying him cat scratching posts and cat toys as well. I just believe that they love to receive surprises. After all, they are known to hunt anything so they can share it with those that they care.

As I let Catman enjoy my petting, I came to realize that I was reciprocated with the best reward. Through him, I have found a loyal friend who keeps me happy all through these months.

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