Saturday, April 7, 2012

Damp Footprints on My Wooden Floor

These days I notice that my Catman always leave his damp footprints on my wooden floor. At the beginning, I thought he might make his foot wet in the bathroom and he likes print his footprint on the floor. But later I found out I was wrong. Sometimes, his foot is wet even he just stay in my living room. I am surprised why his foot always get wet and if it is a sign which tells me he is sick.

After talking with my friend, I find out the reason of this damp footprints. Actually when Catman's foot is wet, it means he is hot. When we feel hot, we will sweat and it makes us wet on the surface of the skin. And it will evaporate and help us reduce the heat from our body. The same as my Catman (actually the same as all the cats :P ), when he feels hot, he will sweat and it makes his foot wet and he will remain his damp footprints on the wooden floor when he is walking. According to some researches, cat secretes sweat when he feels hot, frightened,or excited.

Cat only secretes sweat on his foot pad. It is true.In the cat, eccrine sweat glands are found only on the foot pads. So we can find that cat paw always keeps wet. But sweating is not the only way for cats to reduce heat. Like my Catman, he always lays on the floor and lets his body fully touch the floor to cool himself.

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