Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Whiskers Makes My Cat Like A Leader

My cat, Catman, has wonderful Whiskers, which makes him like a sophisticated leader. This picture is token when he is staring out of the windows. He seems to be having a significant thinking now. When I was young, I heard from someone that the cat's whiskers are as wide as his body's widest spot, so that cat can use his Whiskers to measure the space to find out if he can go through. I don't know if it is true. But I am pretty sure that this rule can not be used for overweight cats.

Whisker actually is one type of hair, called tactile hair. The tactile hair also includes eyebrows and chin hair. The main function of tactile hair is serving the sense of touch. The whiskers are long and thick. They root in deep cat's tissue, connected with the nerve endings. Therefore, cat can use them to investigate the objects close to them. They can even be used to get the state of air currents and air pressure.

My cat Catman's whiskers are very long. And sometimes he fan them out, and sometimes he rotates them forward and them sweeps them back. Before I thought he did it because he was very very boring. And now I know he does that because he is trying to measure something, maybe some small air currents changes. And his whiskers are sensitive enough to feel any micro changes of which I will never get the sense.

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