Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Let Your Cat Have Breakfast on Time

I usually get up at 8.00 am every day. After I get up, my cat, Catman, will stand beside his food plant and wait for his breakfast. If I get up a little bit late, he will start to scream on me and he always do it when he is hungry. Sometimes, I just feel this guy have a fixed breakfast time and I need to feed him on time. But the following picture make me realized that I was wrong.

I took this photo at 5:00 am last week. I had to get up very early because my job. While I am not the only victim. My poor cat, Catman, also became one victim because of my busy work. After I got up, catman got up immediately and stood beside his food plant as usual. It is damn funny! This guy was waiting for his food even he was not awake at all. It seems that he doesn't have fixed breakfast time. He just simply follows my bio clock. I just realize that whether it will be harmful for his health because of my irregular life style.

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