Saturday, March 31, 2012

Is My Cat Catman Sick?

My cat mate, Catman, have been living in my home for one and a half month. I gave him the same food as which his former host gave, and I also play with him all the time. He is supposed to be happy but sometimes it doesn't look very well. I don't know if he start to miss his old host. And I am very afraid that he may get sick. So I start to read some books about cat care.

Cats are susceptible to a number of different basic diseases. There are a number of different diseases that cats can suffer from, such as skin diseases, ear diseases, nose diseases, mouth diseases, even mental diseases. Take care of a cat is not only just feeding him well, but we also need to pay attention on his living conditions. For example, regularly brushing your will keep them clean, and reduce the hair which he will licked off and swallow. And this is the most efficient way to avoid the hairball problems for you cat, and it is also the best solution to keep your house clean without shed cat hair.

No matter how much I know, I still can not find the reason why my cat looks like very unhappy sometimes. And I feel very much ashamed because I promised my friend I would take care of him well at that time. To find out the treatment, I have to ask for some advice from my vet friend. To my surprised, the reason why my cat, Catman, looks like that is just because he is tired and he wants to have a sleep. -_-!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Control Cat Hairballs and Cat Fleas

I have to say I become much busier after Catman came to my house. The most tough job is cleaning the house. I have to clean his hair all the place in my house. But there is one thing I worry about after I notice that Catman always has ongoing vomiting. After I make a research on cat diseases symptoms, I just find out it may because of the cat hairballs.

The reason that Catman vomit hairballs is that he swallowed a lot of fur when he tried to groom by himself. So I think general cat care and grooming maintenance are another important aspect of cat care. Avoiding hair and skin problems in cats often comes down to a proper diet and active lifestyle. Hairballs are normal in cats occasionally, but if they persist and cats struggle to pass them, veterinary care should be sought. They can be prevented in the first place if owners regularly groom their cat and remove loose hair, and some over the counter products can be used to help cats pass hairballs.

In Addition, Another daily care for cats is trimming cat nails.Cat nails should only be trimmed if the cat is exclusively an indoor cat, as they are useful for survival and protection in the wilderness. Cats can get fleas, and they can be dangerous to the cat’s health and well-being. There are treatments which will kill the infestation. Environments should also be cleaned to ensure re-infestation doesn’t occur.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

How to Choose a Cat Food For My Catman

Taking care of a cat involves a lot of work and specific kinds of knowledge. As Catman becomes my friend, I have to start to learn about cat food. I know that buying random food and barely paying attention to the cats needs won’t cut it. There are a few different things I need to know to properly care for my cat.

All cats have dietary and nutritional needs that have to be met, and often these needs start with the type of cat food a cat requires. Cat owners should acquire the right cat food knowledge for their animal, and that starts with understanding what kinds of nutrients cats need to have in their diet. Since cats are carnivores (meat eaters), unlike humans or dogs which are omnivores (meat and vegetable eaters), their diets require high amount of proteins and animal fats. Cat foods need to meet these needs by offering proteins, fatty acids, and all the right amino acids. Owners should focus on which nutrients a cat food promises, not which ingredients. General consensus is that wet food is better than dry food for cats. It contains more meats and a higher concentration of water, each of which is key for a cat’s diet. Cats should ideally be fed twice a day and the amount that cats are fed varies greatly depending on an individual animal’s needs and size.

When Catman was sent to me, my friend gave me his daily dry cat food as well. To be honest, I still don't know the cat food very much. The cat food my friend gave me is ANF FELINE ADULT HOLISTIC FORMULA dry cat food, and I also don't know how much I need to put in his plate.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Catman, Welcome to Your New Home

Today, I introduce my new mate, Catman. He is a four years old cat. My friend sent him to me one month ago. As my friend saying, he is an active cat. But the first day, he came to my home, he was very nervous because of the strange place and people. And I was also very worry about him because he could just hide under my closet for the whole day. So I have to put the food and water near him so that he could get them when he was hungry.

My friend also gave me his favorite food, one dry cat food, and a couple of canned cat food, and a cat litter box. So I just put everything he was familiar with around his temporary base in order to make him to feel a little bit comfortable.

I think he is quite brave. Because after three days, he already get rid of all scares. And now, he feel free in his new house. And he also find his new relaxing spot.