Saturday, August 4, 2012

Keep My Catman Away From Over Weight

Last time, I mentioned that my cat, Catman, got up at 5:00 in the morning waiting for his breakfast. It is not because he was hungry. All reason is that I had to get up that early. Therefore, there is something coming in my mind. My Catman’s behavior makes me realized that cats don’t have a fix diet time. They have diet only in following two conditions:
  1. Someone offers food to them 
    This is some other friends’ option. Some friends told me that cats will eat all the time if we keep offering food to them and they love that food. It makes sense because even some of us keeps eat the whole day.
  2. They feel hungry
  3. Some scenes make them realized it is time to eat

I am sure you have seen photographs on the internet and all sorts of news on the TV talking about cats that are too fat for their age. Since cats are sensible, the extra pounds can provoke numerous health problems, so it is recommended to do everything that stands in your power in order to avoid your cat from becoming too fat.

The breakfast must be fed on time. It will affect your cat the whole day. You should wake up at least for a few minutes in order to feed your cat and then you can go back to sleep. If you are not at home, ask a friend or a neighbor to feed your cat at a specific time, the same hour that you usually feed your pet. This is going to help you maintain your cat’s weight, which is absolutely fantastic!

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